What FALLING reminded me about faith.

I felt confident. Powerful. In control. I had conquered the newest addition to the ropes course--a long cylinder that spun at the slightest touch. A neon yellow caution sign alerted adventurers at both the beginning and the end: WARNING: THIS IS A MOVING OBSTACLE. At first, I had insisted there was no way I was trying it, but as I built up my confidence on the easier obstacles, I eventually attempted the frightening feat and successfully crossed... twice!

After my two-time victory over the toughest obstacle on the course, I felt confident and sure-footed. I pretty much flew through the easier obstacles, feeling almost bored by their ease. So I was completely caught off-guard when my foot slipped on an "easy" part of the course. It was a rope I had crossed several times before with plenty of hand-holds. My breath flew out of my lungs as I felt myself drop before the harness caught my weight. The rope scrubbed away a layer of skin on my finger, and I was left suspended. Shocked.

THIS. This is a metaphor for something big, I thought.

Friends, we will face trouble in this world. Jesus said,

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NIV

Sometimes we see the trouble coming: we see our spouse gradually distancing himself from us. We see our parents' health fade, slowly and steadily. Our child is about to leave the nest, and we know that his leaving is going to shatter our hearts.

Other times, the trouble catches us totally off-guard. We receive horrifying news at a wellness check-up. We are slammed with the realization that a relationship, which we thought was healthy and blooming, has been a facade for years. Our best friend is snatched from us in a senseless, tragic car accident.

When we see the trouble coming, we may find the time to occupy that pew at church. We may pray more often. We may crack open our Bible. We may seek God's word and friends who live in it. So when we face our times of trial, we are well equipped and better set up for overcoming it or, at least, bearing it with joy in the knowledge that Jesus has overcome the world. We can cross that scary beam inch by inch, having faith that our harness --God--is there to catch us when we fall.

Ironically, the greatest times of danger are when things seem to be swimming along just fine. My life is going pretty well! I can be a believer without going to church. I live a good life. I don't have time to read Scripture, but I'm a good person. I do nice things. "The Universe," karma, God, they're all going to swing in my favor. Good vibes only! Sending you positive thoughts! (While there is something to be said for positive thinking, it can only get you so far.) It is during these times that we think WE have it covered. We think we're in control and don't need anybody or anything else. And when we suddenly lose our footing, we find ourselves without a harness.

Friends, we are sinful by nature. Without a consistent diet of worship, reading God's Word, and prayer, our natural tendency is to slip into worldliness. Where WE are the end-all, be-all. Achievement. Activities. Our wardrobe. The biggest house. The largest nest egg. Even our children.

If you need a place to start, pick up your Bible and read a gospel. (I recommend the gospel of John!) Find a church that is a good fit for your family, one that does not pick and choose pieces of Scripture according to what's popular in today's culture, but also does not focus on legalism. One that leads with the Gospel! Try talking to God. Actually conversing with Him. If you're not sure what to say, just begin by saying, "Well, God, here I am with my cup of coffee. I'm making time for you right now." I promise you that the words will just flow. Tell Him what's on your heart and mind. Ask Him for what you need. Listen to Him.

If you're local and need a church recommendation, I've got a great one! If you want to get closer to God and just want to know that someone's praying for you and supporting you, send me a message! My family would love to pray for you.

My prayer for you, friends, is that you will be secure in the harness of faith in God. When you fall, when trouble DOES come, I pray that you will allow Him to help you regain your footing.


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